Free Blogger Skins - Charm Skins - Blogger XML Skins - Blogger Classic Skins - Blogs Gone Wild!
Property Rights
All the information and contents posted on this Web Site are the property of Blogs Gone Wild, and are protected by U.S. and foreign copyright and trademark laws. By accessing this Web Site, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree, you have no right to use this Web Site.
This Web Site and its contents may not be copied, reused or redistributed in any manner without the prior written consent of Blogs Gone Wild. No redistribution of any kind is allowed on any other website.
You may use the templates provided on your own personal weblog or website or business weblog provided that the backlinks to Free Blogger Skins - Charm Skins - Blogger XML Skins - Blogger Classic Skins or Blogs Gone Wild! remains intact. You may also modify, alter or customize the templates for your personal use as you see fit for your own blog or website.
Modifications intended for commercial resale or profitable redistribution are not allowed.
Blogs Gone Wild MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS WEB SITE, ITS CONTENTS OR THE MANUSCRIPT, WHICH ARE PROVIDED FOR USE "AS IS" AND IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. WE claim no responsibility for data loss or template malfunction thru the use of the provided web templates.
Portions of this Web Site may publish readers' comments and opinion. Free Blogger Skins does not assume or have any responsibility or any liability for the readers' comments or opinions. If you have questions about our privacy or legal policies, contact me by e-mail at .
Images used in the template designs are generally either custom designed, purchased or considered to be in the public domain and fall under fair use rights. Copyright infringement is unintentional, if you have a legal copyright claim to any of the images used, please contact us with your complaint.
Thank You And Enjoy The Templates!